Mt Albert by election candidate Malcolm France standing on a People Before Profit ticket pied Act candidate John Boscawen today, dubbing him the "Lemington Steal".
Its like the tail wagging the dog- Boscawen represents the far right party with 3% of the vote who are dicatating terms to John Key's National. ACT and National's corporate friends can now get their hands on Aucklander's assets like the Port and the Airport through CCO models. This will concentrate power in the hands of a few well paid government appointed hands- leaving less power in the community, where it should be. Like Marie Antoinette before the French Revolution, they think that we plebs can go eat cake.
This is about a lack of democracy and about parliament's inability to deliver real change through politicians. National said after the commission report findings come out they would consult with the public, but like the unnecessary SH20 Waterview extension there has been none. People Before Profit say that if National and Act were really the parties of choice- they should give Aucklander's a referendum on the Supercity.
But they won't. So It's time to ignore the politicians like Lemington Steal.
Like when thousands of us crossed the Harbour Bridge yesterday we have to ignore the Bureaucrats in the Beehive and take action for ourselves and reclaim our power. People Before Profit are going to organise direct action against the SH20 Motorway and the Supercity- and if they tell us to eat cake, they shouldn't be surprised when we throw it back at them!"
Malcolm France
People Before Profit
021 256 4676
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